Sunday, June 24, 2018

We are moving

After a couple years of struggling with some district decisions and an overall district philosophy I didn't feel in tune with, Zach and I made the decision to start looking for new jobs in the area.  I have taught at Newell in Grand Island for twelve years, so the idea of starting over and leaving Newell was exciting and scary.  We weren't looking too seriously, but then my principal caught us all by surprise in March when he announced that he was moving.  That is when I told Zach that I was for sure ready to move.  That same day, Hastings posted a middle school math position, so Zach applied for it.
We were so excited when he was offered the job.  The problem was that we had already signed our Grand Island contracts.  (Contracts had to be signed a month earlier this year.)  So, he would have to be let out of his GI contract in order to accept the Hastings position.  Everyone in Grand Island acted like it wouldn't be a problem.  He had resigned in early April, so they should have plenty of time to find him a replacement.
In the meantime, I applied for jobs in Hastings.  I interviewed with Hawthorne Elementary and was offered the job on the spot.  Hawthorne feels a lot like Newell, so I am very excited to work there.
As time went on, we started to get nervous that Zach wouldn't be let out of his contract.  Grand Island had interviewed and turned down a few candidates, and the pool of math candidates wasn't very large.  Finally, after five weeks, Hastings let Zach know that they couldn't wait any longer.  They had to fill his position with someone else.
Zach took the news better than I did.  I think he was just relieved to have an answer.  I was hurt and angry.  We are still moving to Hastings.  He will be commuting back to Grand Island for a year.  Monroe will come to my school with me again, and the boys will be starting in daycare.  We have not found a house yet, or sold ours, but we are excited to start our new life in Hastings.  Thankfully, we are only a half hour away from our great friends here.

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