We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home. I planned a few activities to make the day fun. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then did a clued treasure hunt around the house. The kids loved it! We actually did it again later, by hiding the clues in different places.
Then we watched the Macy's Day parade and started prepping some of the food.
I found a fun idea on Pinterest that I wanted to do for lunch, and we actually planned our day around it.
Our lunch! Isn't he the cutest? I wanted our kids (and us) to have a healthy lunch before a rich, not so healthy, supper. The kids loved it, and it was gone quickly.
That afternoon, we Zoomed with Zach's family and did our traditional thankful circle.
Then we went on a family bike ride and played outside.
Our Thanksgiving spread. Zach's parents brought us turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and sweet potato casserole. His grandma sent over apricot salad. We made ham, strawberry pretzel salad, rolls, and deviled eggs.
So thankful for these four!
After supper, we Zoomed with my family.
We ended the night with watching Space Jam.
We were blessed with a wonderful day full of family time and fun! We are oh so thankful!