Monday, December 28, 2020

Family Pictures

 In October, it snowed, and I got the idea that family photos in the snow would be fun.  The last two times we've taken pictures, we'd done fall shoots, and I wanted to try something different.  I already had a photographer in mind, so I contacted her and asked about snow sessions.  She loved the idea and asked if I wanted to do it the following night.  I told her that would be too soon.  She told me to get outfits lined up and she would be in touch the next time it snowed.  It took another month and a half for it to snow.  

We went out on a Saturday afternoon.  There was very little wind, but the sun wasn't out.  This made for great lighting in the photos, but it was quite cold.  We were all doing great until both boys fell heading back to the van for a warm up break.  After that, most of the pictures were a struggle.  They were crying and shivering.  Monroe kept smiling, but you can tell by her posture that she was cold.  I had wanted a snowball fight at the end, but no one was having it.  In the end, I didn't get every picture I hoped to, but the pictures we did get are absolutely amazing!

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