Saturday, March 27, 2021

February Fun

Pierce playing Legos

Graham's creation

Helping with Valentines

Flowers from one of my students!

And flowers from my hubby!

Zach's brother, Derek, coaches for Holdrege.  This was his first time coaching in his old gym. This game decided who went to state.

The cousins running around after the game

After a really big snow, our trampoline was looking quite saggy.  Zach and I decided we better clear it off. He got up there with shorts on and started throwing snow out.

The ice blocks made it difficult

The boys like taking pictures of their finished creations

An evening walk

Graham helped me make homemade granola bars.

The three boys working together to braid Monroe's hair.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Night with friends


The boys have been begging to have friends over for a while.   One day Graham said, "When do we get to have friends over so we can lock Monroe out of our room?"  It was funny to me that that is the part they looked forward to.   
The night that Monroe and Zach had their father/daughter dance, I planned a fun night for the boys.  I invited over two boys from their daycare class whose moms I knew.  None of the boys had ever been to a friend's house before, so it was a fun first experience. 

No matter what they played, they all played together well.

At our house, we wrestle.  Our boys wrestle constantly, and I am never concerned about their safety.  However, it was funny to me that when we added in two new boys, I was suddenly worried about it being too rough.  I didn't know if the other boys were used to this kind of play. 

It was such a fun night!  The boys can't wait for another time.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Father/Daughter Dance


Zach and Monroe went to a father/daughter dance at Lochland at the end of February.  We had quite a few friends there, and they both had a great time.

Monday, March 15, 2021

New Vehicle

Zach's been driving our Saturn Vue for five years now.   It was a fine, small vehicle, but Zach was always talking about a truck.   We're not ones to have car payments, so we drive our cars until we actually need a new one.  Well, the transmission went out, and it wasn't worth the cost of a new one.  We started looking at trucks.  I was willing to go along with it, but there was a lot I didn't love.  I didn't like the price tag, gas mileage, size, etc.  I brought up the idea of spending less and getting a newer midsized SUV.  He liked that idea, and a dealership in town had exactly what we were looking for. We got a 2019 GMC Acadia.  He loves it, and I'm glad we could compromise :)