Monday, January 24, 2022

Colorado Trip

When Zach and I talked about going skiing again this year, we decided we weren't going to.  We wanted to build on what the kids learned last year, but we decided we would go every other year.  Then, we had friends contact us and ask us to go with them.  Again, we were ready to decline, but then they told us what the housing would cost us, and we just couldn't pass it up. We took a few days off school and headed to Fraser.

The first day we spent at Winter Park. It snowed the entire day.
The boys ready for ski school.

Monroe did really well.  Winter Park has a lot of greens to choose from, and we stayed on those all day. 

The ladies

The next day we went ice skating. I was glad they had these walkers so that the kids could all get used to the ice.

Monroe and Grace were trying to hold each other up without making the other fall.



They fell a lot, but it never seemed to bother them.

Monroe, Grace, and Grace's cousin

Then the boys decided they didn't need the walkers anymore, and they thought this was really cool!

snow angel

Faith, Shelley, Grace

Then we went home for hot chocolate and games.  We played so many games around this table over the weekend.

That evening after supper, we went tubing. Going at night was fun!
Monroe's first trip down

All of us linked together

The Eickhoffs

The boys couldn't go on a tube by themselves.  They loved going with Faith.

Goodbye beautiful Colorado
Thank you to the Eickhoffs for inviting us!  It was a wonderful trip!

Friday, January 21, 2022

December Fun

I joined a book club, and I love it!  I'm reading books I wouldn't necessarily choose.  And, it pushes me to read.
These are the last two I've read.  I would recommend both.

We LOVE Husker volleyball!  Go Lexi!

We had dinner and exchanged presents with Zach's grandparents in early December.

Monroe's teacher loves Micky Mouse.  They had a celebration on his birthday.

We had a door decorating contest at school.  My class had a great time planning and decorating our door area.

Ellie being ornery

Walk-to-school day

Watching tournament volleyball

Love these girls! Kayla Caffey is my favorite!

The National Championship game was amazing!  We didn't come out the winners, but no one expected us to get that far.  We took Wisconsin, an unbelievable team, to five sets.  The players were disappointed, but there was so much to be proud of! We can't get enough of Husker Volleyball!

Monroe made the County spelling bee and the Quiz Bowl team.  These notes came home one day apart.

Playing with their new hoop

A birthday party for Aspen and Jett

We did gingerbread houses with the Sloans.



New lego creations: a squid

And a T-rex

As I've gone through pictures for the last few blog posts, I've noticed that Graham's eyes tend to be more squinty when he smiles.  I'm not sure if this is a new thing or if I am just now noticing it.

Her new office

Fully vaxxed!

Christmas party with the Nine

Our second time at the Thai restaurant in a week
They're eating our leftovers instead of taking them home.

A new favorite game: Mexican Train Dominoes