Sunday, January 9, 2022

Burkle Christmas

We had Christmas with the Burkle side December 22nd.
annual Jammie picture

Josh and Megan hosted this year.  The food challenge was School Lunch.  
Zach and Megan called theirs "Beige"

My parents made dried beef over mashed potatoes.

Jess and Rod made luke warm pizza.

Zach and I made goulash. (Notice our hair nets and plastic gloves.)

It has been quite a few years since we've won, so we were excited!

Megan has been teaching herself how to play cello, so she asked Monroe if she would want to do a duet.  They did great!

Ready for volleyball

Her own laminator

A drone

A magnetic dart board

Baseball bases


Just like last year, kids bought for adults and adults bought for kids.  I would highly recommend this if your family has somewhat even numbers.  Everyone is way more invested in the opening, and it is fun to see what the kids pick out. Pierce and Graham had Jess and Rod.  We took them to 5 Below and they picked out whatever they wanted to get them. They were so excited!

Yes, this is a unicorn that lights up and plays music

Monroe got Megan a search and find book where her dog Rosie is hidden on every page.

We are going to Minnesota with Jess and Rod this summer.  They got us stuff for the trip.

My parents got Rod this portable chair. 

One of the gifts from Pierce and Graham :)

We had a great Christmas with family!

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