Wednesday, November 16, 2022

October Fun


The boys had a guest musician at school.  They loved it!

They also made homemade applesauce

Monroe and Cousin Nora

Getting new stripes on their belts

Walk to school day
They got to walk with their cousins

There's a therapy dog at their school

Everyone piles into the front seat for a car wash

A beautiful night for golf

Mimosas with friends on a day off of school

Go Big Red

I copied Kate and bought the same sweatshirt as her: The Volleyball State

These boys chose to rake leaves

And then the trees all dumped at once

A patriotic concert for Monroe

We grew pumpkins (gourds) this year.  
After Halloween last year, I had the kids throw all our gourds and pumpkins into a corner of our backyard.  I was hoping they'd seed and grow, but I wasn't sure.  It worked! Our pumpkin vines went crazy!  We had 55 gourds that we decorated the yard with.

visitation night at dance
We switched studios this year, and we are so glad we did.  Monroe is learning new things each class.  She is challenged, which is new for her.

Clogging is still her favorite class

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