Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weekend in Lincoln

Last weekend we drove to Lincoln to help my sister and her family paint and decorate their new house.  They moved from Lincoln to Eagle, which is about 15 minutes east of Lincoln.  Their house is going to be a wonderful place for our large family to gather.
 While we were there, we got to watch Karter play a soccer game.  He did so well.  He even scored his first goal.
Practicing before the game
Monroe watching her cousin
Karter getting after it.  Notice his tongue in his cheek in the next picture.  He did this every time he was working hard.  That's a Burkle thing.

The stud soccer player!

Later, Kaiya and Karter had to pull up chairs so they could talk to Monroe while she ate.  They both adore her!

The men went golfing after the soccer game.  Jess and Rod live off of the 6th green of Woodland Hills Golf Course.  After they played 6, they stopped by to say hi.  They gave the kids rides in the golf carts.

The next day, the moms decided it was our turn to get out of the house and leave the kids with the men.  We ended up going to a sushi restaurant because none of the husbands are too fond of sushi.  We each ordered two rolls and then we shared them all.  I think we each had our favorites, but they were all delicious! And, it was great to get away.

That night, we met Zach's family in York for Derek and Dustin's 25th birthday celebration.  It was great to see everyone, but Monroe wasn't herself.  She wouldn't eat anything, and she was grumpy.  When we were getting ready to leave, we noticed that Monroe felt hot.  She had her first fever.  It ended up lasting through Tuesday afternoon.
It wasn't a great way to end the weekend, but we had a fun time with both sides of our family.

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