Friday, August 2, 2013

Last summer play date

For our last play date of the summer, we went to the splash pad in Hastings.  You wouldn't know it from my pictures because Monroe never even got wet.  She, Hudson, and Landon were much more interested in the Cat that was evening the ground on the other side of the splash pad.

Snack time

Mommies and kids

The closest she ever got to the water

The kids spent most of their time running back and forth on this cement slab.

The six oldest kids

The more kids we have, the harder it is to get a picture of them.  Here's the best shot I had.  I love how all the big brothers and sisters are trying to restrain the little ones.
Aubree, Hayden, Hudson, Lily, Monroe, Landon, William, Jacob, Jadyn, Brynlee, Paisley, Adysen, and Braxton
What a group!


  1. I might steal a couple of your pics! In my group pictures there was always someone you couldn't see or that little boy was photo bombing! :)

  2. I ended up stealing some too because I'm the idiot that always forgets my camera these days. I love the picture of the oldest kids. The group picture actually turned out decent considering....

  3. I am stealing a few too! Your group picture is better than mine!
