Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween, Monroe was a pig.  She picked the costume out of a magazine, and we loved her choice.

Dedrick and Monroe

Ready to go trick-or-treating

This was our first year for trick-or-treating, and Monroe loved it!  She was not shy at peoples' doors, and she remembered what to say. After each house, she would say, "On to the next house!"

After the first few houses, she looked up at me and said, "I like this trick-or-treat!"

My favorite picture of the night

The last house we trick-or-treated at was Grandma's.

Great Grandma Dee

Great Grandma Linda and Great Grandpa Jerry

Nana and Papa

Monroe's Halloweens so far:
6 months - strawberry

18 months - lion

30 months - pig

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