Sunday, March 30, 2014

Go Storm

Last Friday night was the Grand Island Public Schools night at the Storm Hockey game in Kearney.  We had fun at the game last year, so a bunch of us from school planned to go again.  We drove down with Troy and Ashley.  We were hoping there would be a few seats by us, and there were.

The Goosics, Eickhoffs, Dudos, Splatts, Boslaus, and Dubbs families were all there.  

The kids were dancing to the music and got their pictures up on the big screen.

Monroe and Landon had a great time together.  The whole drive home, Monroe kept saying, "Landon was my favorite part of the hockey game!"

Here's the whole gang!

Monroe was scared of Stormy the whole night.  On the way out, however, she willingly gave him a high five and took a picture with him.