Friday, July 18, 2014

Carpenter Wedding

On Thursday, I drove to Omaha to spend the weekend with college friends at Terry and Eric's wedding.  
Personal shower on Thursday
We got manicures and pedicures the next morning and then helped decorate for the wedding.

The happy couple

Beautiful Bride

I was one of Terry's personal attendants.  I loved my job because I got to spend so much time with Terry.

I love this picture of Monroe and Terry

Personal Attendants

Terry has four nieces.  They were Monroe's friends for the weekend.

Aunt Julie

My date

At the reception, they had a live band do all the music.  They were awesome!  I have never seen a dance floor that was so full.

It was a fun, exhausting weekend.  I loved catching up with everyone from college.  Congratulations, Eric and Terry!

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