Saturday, July 5, 2014

June Phone Dump

Monroe spent the day at her cousins' house

We went to the park one day and Landon happened to be there at the same time.

Samara, Kaiya, Josh and Megan came for the weekend.  We tried to have the girls sleep together, but Monroe talked too much :)
The next morning, Megan participated in a triathlon at Island Oasis.  

She did great, and it was fun to watch her!

New roof during and after

Listening to stories at the library

All attitude

A hail stone from our front yard

All we had left after our garage sale.  We made $871 in one day, so we were thrilled.  We ended up selling this head board and armoire too.

We went to visit my friend Sarah in Wahoo.  The older kids climbed in the crib with Amelia.

 Swimming at Josiah's birthday party

Zach and Monroe went on a date when I went to Lea Ann's bachelorette party

Bachelorette party fun

My future sister

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