After more than two months of waiting, it was finally moving day!
The new owners were doing their walk-through at 8:30 on Tuesday morning, so we moved everything out of the house on Monday evening. We had great help! Patrick, Troy, Josh, Grant, and Zach did the big stuff, while Ashley, my mom, my dad, and me did the little things and cleaned.
Monroe and her two neighbor friends played in the truck while it was empty.
I didn't get as many pictures as I had planned.
Our last time being in our first house
Leaving the keys
Our empty home
The next day we moved into our new house. I don't have the pictures I planned to take because the day didn't go as we expected. When we did our walk-through at the new house at 8:30, there were a lot of large pieces still in the house. Our realtor called theirs to make sure they would be out on time. We were set to close at 10:00, which meant we were free to move in as soon as all the papers were signed. We had all our movers lined up for 11:00. Apparently their realtor didn't communicate this with them because the movers they hired weren't going to be at the house until 12:00 and would be done by 2:00. They wanted us to wait until 2:00. We had family and friends who had taken off work and a truck that had to be returned by 3:00, so we told them we would be starting at 11:00. It was a little chaotic, but we all just chose to have a good attitude about it. As it turned out, their movers didn't come until 3:00 and finished at 4:30, so we were glad we didn't wait for them.
Monroe was at daycare that day, so she was so excited when she got to her new house.
I had planned to take pictures of the whole house empty, but I guess I'll take them now with the house partially done.
Can't wait to see the new place!