Sunday, October 5, 2014

New Siding

The first time we looked at our house, we new that the siding would have to be replaced in the next few years.  There were cracks and water damage on many parts.  When we had our inspection, the guy told us that the siding should have been replaced a few years ago.  We asked the sellers for some money to help us replace it, and they agreed.  We kept back some of the equity from the sale of our house in order to complete the project.

water damage



The guys started working on August 23rd.  They started with wrapping the windows.

the old siding is off

before and after
I painted the garage doors dark gray


siding is done

One of my favorite parts are the wraps we chose for all of the windows and doors.  The white really pops out.

The last thing that needed done was painting the front door.  I knew when we picked gray siding that I wanted a yellow door.  

 I love the color!



We are so pleased with the end result.  It took longer than we expected, but it was worth it.  We were nervous about getting the final bill because there was repair work that needed done under the siding and things that we added to the project.  However, the whole thing came in under their original bid.  We are so grateful to have this project behind us, and to have a beautiful house.


  1. It looks wonderful! Love the yellow door, that adds so much! Oh and your rug is cute too :)

  2. Looks awesome! You do have a beautiful home. :)
