Saturday, May 2, 2015

April Phone Dump

This house has so many windows, and I love them.  We get wonderful breezes through the house.

Each month, Monroe's preschool takes pictures of the students with birthdays that month.  Monroe's picture is on here, but her name is not.  I'm not sure if she is Madison or Morgan :)  She actually gets called both.

 Zach and I drove through Monroe, Nebraska, so we had to stop and take some pictures.

 April snow

 The snow was melting very fast, so Monroe jumped in puddles in her snow suit.

Zach's cousin got married on 4/11.

Grandpa made the cake pops and died Monroe's mouth blue.

They had a photo booth that was a lot of fun!

This is Monroe's first official neighbor play date.

Zach drawing the tin man.

Megan's 30th birthday celebration

I love this picture!

Monroe got legos for her birthday.  We have had so much fun putting them together.

Playing in the puddles
(I think every picture I will take of her in this outfit is going to be adorable!)

 Monroe had her last dance practice on Tuesday.  They practiced their three dances and then gave completion certificates.

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