Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

Grandma watched Monroe on Friday, and they made me an adorable Mother's Day gift!

Mikki also had the kids make Mother's Day gifts.  Monroe made this stepping stone for our yard.

On Saturday morning, Zach took Monroe Mother's Day shopping, and I got our garden planted.  I planted zucchini, spaghetti squash, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, and red peppers.  It has been a few years since I have had a garden, and I am excited to do it again. 
I found a cute idea on Pinterest for making garden markers.  Monore painted five rocks for me.  

Then Zach and I gave them faces.  

I think they look super cute!

On Sunday, Zach and Monroe went and got me donuts at Paradise for breakfast.
We went to church and then we drove to Hastings.  We did lunch and hung out with Zach's family at his cousin's house.

When we got home, it was flower time.  We bought pots a few weeks ago and plants this week.  We waited for Mother's Day to plant them.

Ready to help!

Calling in reinforcements

I love how the pots turned out.  They will look great in a few weeks when they fill out.

All done!

Now the front porch has these three big pots and then three on the table.

I also got a hanging plant for the back yard.

This is my favorite picture from the day!

After planting, we went to Carlos O Kelly's for supper.

I got beautiful flowers and some perfect cards from Zach and Monroe.
Thank you for making my day special!

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