Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Preschool Program

Monroe is officially done with her first year of school!

First and Last Day of Preschool

She had her end-of-the-year preschool program on Monday.

Her class of 11.  They sang five songs for us.

This was their first song.  

This second video is longer, but it's quite entertaining :)

After the program, Mrs. Wildauer said that that was the most enthusiastic performance from four-year-olds she'd ever seen.

Group picture

Nana and Papa

Derek and Lea Ann were in town too!

Monroe LOVED Mrs. Brown.  She was the perfect teacher to have for her first school experience.

It was a great morning.  
I can't believe the year is already over!  Monroe learned so much and grew up a lot!  We are thankful for a wonderful preschool experience!

1 comment:

  1. I think Lea Ann and Mrs. Brown could be sisters :)

    Monroe looks like she loved singing!
