Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father's Day

Last week, I took Monroe out to take pictures for Zach's Father's Day frame.  This year we went to Pier Park.  These are some of my favorites:

I went with these three.  The middle one was my favorite.  However, when Monroe saw the frame that morning, she was very clear that she did not want a picture with her tongue out.  She keeps asking me when I am going to change it.  We'll see.

I made Zach a tackle box.  He does not fish, but he loves chewy candy.

That morning, we went golfing.

Zach golfed well.  He even birdied a par 3!

Monroe was great in the golf cart.

She got out at some of the greens to putt around. One time she sunk an 8 footer!

After golf, we met Zach's parents and our sister-in-law, Julie, for lunch.  Then, we put the kids down for naps and watched the US Open.  Dustin was at the US Open in Washington with Julie's dad and brother.

After naps, the kids played outside.

Zach's Grandpa and Grandmas came that afternoon.  We grilled for supper.  His aunt and uncle and cousins joined us after supper.  It was a great day!

Thank you, Zachary, for being an amazing father!  We appreciate you!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Swimming lessons

Monroe did swimming lessons again this year at Lincoln Pool.  We put her in the same class as last year, so that she would get more comfortable with the water.  Paisley took them with her.
 She did great!  She was one of the more eager swimmers in her class.  Last year, she didn't like getting her face wet, but this year, she willingly dunked herself.  She spent more time going under than doing anything else.  

Last year, when they did the diving board, she wanted the lifeguards to drop her off.  This year, after the first couple times, she jumped by herself.  She went over and over again.

 One night, they had a fill-in teacher.  He let Monroe swim across the deep end by herself! She did great!

She loved, Skylar and Betsy, her teachers.  

She also loved being with Paisley every night.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Summer play dates

Again this summer, a bunch of moms from school have been getting together on Thursday mornings.  
The first Thursday was gorgeous.  Every Thursday since, it has been raining.  The first rainy day, we decided to take the kids to play at the Newell gym.  It actually worked out better than expected.
The moms

 The kids

At the end we decided to try to find a parachute.  The kids had a blast, and we got some great pictures!

The next rainy Thursday, we went to the Children's Museum in Hastings.

This Thursday, it was rainy again, so we postponed until the next day.  We met at Hall County Park.

Monroe and I love our summer play dates.