Monday, February 29, 2016

Zach's Birthday

Friday was Zach's 31st birthday.  He has been needing a new phone, so I text him to meet me at Verizon after school.  He picked out an iPhone 6 plus.

Then, we went home to open Monroe's presents.
I had taken Monroe shopping for Zach.  I gave her a price limit and then let her pick out what she wanted to get him.  

She picked legos

and a remote control monster truck
She was so proud of her gifts, and Zach has had a lot of fun with them.

For supper we went to the Thai restaurant with Zach's parents and Derek and Lea Ann.
Then, we went to get dessert.

Putting together legos the next morning

Happy birthday, Z!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day

Zach and I went out Friday night for Valentine's Day.  We went to a new Irish pub in town and then to the Chocolate Bar.  We didn't take any pictures, but our babysitter and Monroe had some Valentine fun while we were gone.

On Sunday morning, we dropped Monroe off at Sunday school and then went and had a donut date.  

That afternoon we made a snowman.

Isn't he cute?

Monroe enjoyed her heart-shaped donut for a snack.

A new Pete the Cat book

And a cookie making set

That night we went out to eat at Whiskey Creek.

It was a wonderful day with my Valentines.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Weekend in Lincoln

After having three days off last week, we decided to spend the weekend in Lincoln.  We got to Lincoln on Saturday to watch Karter play basketball.

Karter looked like the most experienced one on the court.

After the game, we met my brother's family at the skating rink to ice skate.

Zach, Megan, and Rod skated with the five kids.  I would have loved to be out there.

On Sunday morning, we went to watch Jensen wrestle.

It was so cute to watch him!

It was a fun weekend spent with family!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


A blizzard had been in the forecast for a week or so, but no one knew if it would really happen.  On Monday afternoon, they called off school for Tuesday before the snow had even started.  It was nice to know ahead of time so that we could prepare and not set our alarms.  
The snow was falling when we woke up on Tuesday.

Snow day tradition:  Minnie Mouse pancakes

Monroe's Valentine's for preschool
She and Grandma had bought and decorated these dogs a couple weeks ago.  I convinced Monroe that they would make perfect Valentines.

Giving us a concert

A fire in the fireplace and a blizzard outside.

It turns out that the forecast was correct.  We got dumped on!


We got an email early afternoon on Tuesday that school was closed for Wednesday.
Usually, I can walk under these branches.  They were touching the snow.

The snow outside the sliding door on the deck.

Zach was very thankful for his snow blower!

My first page in my adult coloring book

Getting outside to play

It was hard to walk

Monroe wanted a tunnel, so Zach got to work.

Good job, Zach!

On Wednesday afternoon, we got the news that we would have one more day at home.  We couldn't believe it!  
Banana muffins

We got a total of 18.3 inches of snow.  It is the second largest amount in Grand Island history.  Add in the wind, and there were huge drifts everywhere.  The roads were horrible!  The city is still trying to get roads cleared a week later.  
We were thankful for 3 days at home together!