We had an appointment on the 26th with the perinatologist. She was very pleased with the boys' growth. They were the same size as each other and measured a little ahead of schedule, which is great for twins. She confirmed that there are two placentas. Because of this and their growth, she cut back our appointments with her to just once a month. Although it feels weird to not be monitored so closely, it is nice that the riskiness of this pregnancy keeps going down. She told us to expect a delivery anywhere from 32-38 weeks (April 1st-May 12th).
Baby B
Baby C
The boys are moving all the time! Monroe wants to feel them often, but she is rarely patient enough. About a week ago, she put her hand on my tummy right as one of them gave a huge kick. She was ecstatic! She was jumping up and down, squealing, hugging me, hugging them, and dancing around. It was super cute! Since then, she has felt them more often. Now, she knows what she is waiting for.
When we bought this house, the nursery was purple.
Now it's navy
We've hung a few things on the walls as well, but I'll show the full nursery later.
22 Weeks
23 weeks
39 weeks with Monroe
I really have nothing to complain about. My back doesn't hurt, no heart burn, I don't get up in the night, I've only had leg cramps one night, no headaches, and my nausea is gone. Other than feeling big, I am feeling really good. I hope that continues.
Love that navy color! Glad you're feeling well!