Monday, May 30, 2016

Last Day of School

I went to school on the last day to see my kids for a few hours and send them off into summer.  When I arrived, they had the room decorated with streamers.  They were so excited, and you could tell they had had fun decorating.

We took a lot of class pictures this year, but I thought it would be fun to do a picture with a selfie stick.  They loved it!  
I will miss this crazy group!

The kids all pitched in to get me flowers.  They also made me a jar of memories.  It was a very unexpected, sweet gift.
I had the best substitute teacher!  Samantha Johnson was a perfect fit for the class and made the transition a smooth one.  They had a wonderful last few weeks, and I didn't need to worry about school.
Hooray for summer 2016!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Preschool Graduation

Monroe graduated from preschool last Friday.  We watched a video of pictures from the year, they performed some songs for us, and then they were given their graduation certificates. 

Grace and Landon

Mrs. Hicken

Monroe's grandparents were there, but we didn't get pictures taken.  So, we took them later.

Monday, May 23, 2016

First Two Weeks

We came home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon.  My parents had been at our house since Sunday so they left Thursday morning.  We were not feeling ready to do it on our own, so Zach's mom came and stayed with us for a few days.  Then, my parents came back on Monday for three more days.  It was wonderful having the extra help!  We've also had a lot of family and friends come meet the boys and many bring us meals.

We had our first doctor's appointment two days after leaving the hospital.  Our pediatrician was really impressed with the boys' growth.  They were in the timeframe for still losing weight, but Pierce and Graham had gained weight, 2 oz and 4 oz respectively.  We had another appointment a week later.  Pierce had gained 13 oz that week, and Graham gained 9 oz.  We were given permission to let them eat when they want and not wake them up to feed.  

Our baby girl doesn't look so little anymore

Holding Hands

I love when they fall asleep on my chest after eating.

We are loving this bath bloom.  It makes bath time really easy.

Pierce liked his bath more than Graham

Uncle Robb and Aunt Renee

Karter and Jensen meeting their first boy cousins

Uncle Rod

Dustin and Julie are moving to Illinois, so this was our last time seeing them.  It was hard to say good-bye.

Last time having them all together for a while

The five

I think these two look so much alike in this picture.

Uncle Zach

Uncle Josh and Aunt Megan


Finley's not amused

Rocking and singing to her brother

Great Grandma Dee


Hudson and Lily