Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day

Monroe made the most adorable gift at Mikki's.  It is a large canvas, and Monroe is so proud of it.

 After church we came home and Zach and Monroe gave me their gifts.  
I cried through their cards.

My two boys :)

Preschool art

Then, we met Zach's parents for lunch.  We went to the Quality Inn restaurant at the interstate.  They had a Mother's Day buffet that was delicious.
As always, part of my gift was flowers, and our afternoon was spent planting them.

Monroe was so excited to help this year, and she was able to do a lot of it.  She had one big pot that she did all by herself while I did the one next to it.

Our porch is colorful again!

My parents came that evening, so we went out to eat with them for Mother's Day.  I didn't take pictures, but I think this is the first time we were able to spend Mother's Day with both of our moms.

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