Sunday, July 17, 2016

10 year anniversary

Zach and I have been married for 10 years!  

Originally, we were planning a trip to Boston.  When we found out we were pregnant, we decided that trip would have to wait.  Then, we were going to go overnight to Omaha, but we couldn't find anything to do there (show, concert).  Finally, we decided to go to the new restaurant in Hastings and make an overnight trip to Omaha another time.
We went to Odyssey, a new high-end restaurant.  It was a wonderful experience!
For an appetizer, we ordered bruschetta.  They had many different kinds to choose from.  We ordered artichoke bacon and honey, basil, brie.  They were delicious!

For my meal, I ordered the half chicken.  They are known for their brussels sprouts, and now we know why.  That was my favorite part, but the chicken was also good.

Zach ordered Beef Wellington, which also came with brussels sprouts.  He loved it!

This chocolate bourbon creme brûlée was absolutely amazing!   I will be going back just to have this again!

After dinner we went and drove around the college.  We are in Hastings all the time, but we rarely go by the college.  We decided we needed a picture in front of the chapel where we got married.  Thankfully, a student walked by and got this awesome picture.  (Our selfies weren't working.)

Happy 10 year anniversary, Babe!  I love you!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Two Months

Graham and Pierce are two months old.  They have started smiling and cooing.  They are much more alert and love to look around.  

Smiles from Pierce

Strong neck

More smiles



One night Zach and Monroe were both gone, so the boys and I spent sometime in the front yard.  They were really content outside, and I had a book and a popsicle.

Showing off

Fancy for church

Monroe is a wonderful big sister.  There are times I don't know how we would do it without her help.

More time outside

So alert

We went to the doctor for the boys' two month appointment.  For the first time, they were the same weight.  They were both 13 lbs 3 oz.  Graham has caught up!  They started off in the 5th and 7th percentile for weight.  Now, they are in the 68th percentile.  We love our chunky boys! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Family Vacation 2016 - North Platte :)

Having infant twins meant a family vacation wasn't going to happen this summer.  The idea of it overwhelmed me.  We did, however, make a trip to North Platte to see my parents.  While there, we tried to squeeze in a number of fun things for Monroe so that it felt like a vacation.  
Packed and ready to go on our first trip with the twins

 On the first night, we headed out to Cody Park.  They have rides, animals, and the best ice cream in town.
 We have taken Monroe to the rides for four years now, but this year it really struck me how wonderful this place is.  The city runs it, so they are not looking to make a profit.  It costs $4 to ride 10 rides!  There are five rides to choose from, and they are perfect for Monroe's age.  Next door at the concession stand, they have the cheapest, tastiest ice cream.  I think we would be out there regularly if we lived in NP.

On Wednesday morning we took Monroe to the Children's museum.  I so wish we had one of these in Grand Island.

 This room in the museum was so cool.  There was a projector on the ceiling that projected an interactive game onto the floor.  The games were all different and they changed every 1-2 minutes.  We spent a lot of time in this room.

 Scattering marbles

 Popping bubbles

Stomping on mice

 Choosing which cup the food is under

Taking orders at the pizzeria

 Life-sized Operation

Hanging with Pierce
Graham was running errands with my dad and Zach

MRI macine

Doc Runcie

That afternoon we went swimming.

My dad and I swam too, but we didn't make it into the pictures.

The next morning we got out Monroe's bike.  It had been a few days since Zach took off her training wheels, but the rain had kept us from practicing. 

I don't know how long I thought it would take, but Monroe was riding way sooner than I expected.  She was so proud!

This is my mom's dress from when she was little

My parents took Monroe to pick out her first earrings

Then we went out to the lake.  My parents' friends have a paddle boat that we rode.

Playing dress up in my old dance outfit

On our last day, we left the boys with my parents and took Monroe to Cody Go Karts.  I worked here during the summers in high school and college.  This was Monroe's first time going.

We had a wonderful time in North Platte!  Thank you, Mom and Dad!