Pierce and Graham are now a year and a half. They are two happy, busy boys.
Their words right now are: Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana, Momo (Monroe), baby, ball, more, all gone, puppy, bye bye baby (Rock a bye baby), thank you, please, book, car, bath night, go go, zoom, button (belly button), bye bye, hey, hi. They talk a lot more than I expected at this point.
They can tell us the sound made by a cow, kitty, puppy, elephant, pig, lion, monkey, and gorilla (they pound their chests). They can find their eyes, mouth, nose, and button.

They love to scream! I wonder who they learned that one from :) They yell at our Amazon Alexa, but thankfully it doesn't sound like Alexa, so she doesn't answer them. I don't know what we're going to do when she does. They are always dancing when Alexa is playing.
They have started interacting with each other much more. They make the other laugh and love to copy each other. They take a while to warm up to other people. I think this is because they aren't in daycare, and they spend most of their time at home.
Their words right now are: Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana, Momo (Monroe), baby, ball, more, all gone, puppy, bye bye baby (Rock a bye baby), thank you, please, book, car, bath night, go go, zoom, button (belly button), bye bye, hey, hi. They talk a lot more than I expected at this point.
They can tell us the sound made by a cow, kitty, puppy, elephant, pig, lion, monkey, and gorilla (they pound their chests). They can find their eyes, mouth, nose, and button.

They love to scream! I wonder who they learned that one from :) They yell at our Amazon Alexa, but thankfully it doesn't sound like Alexa, so she doesn't answer them. I don't know what we're going to do when she does. They are always dancing when Alexa is playing.
They climb everything! We turn our backs for a moment, and they are up on the counter drinking out of our glasses. I would say that I just don't remember this phase, but Monroe never climbed liked this. They haven't climbed out of their cribs yet, which is nice.
When Monroe was sick with strep throat, she did a good job of staying away from them, but they didn't stay away from her. They kept going over to her and laying their heads on her or giving her kisses. It was really sweet. They play hard to get with her most of the time, but they definitely love her.
Their favorite toys are their books. They constantly have one in their hands. Unfortunately, they are also really rough on books. Books are getting destroyed left and right at our house. They also love playing basketball in the driveway, playing on our playground, and jumping on the trampoline. This fall the weather has been unusually warm, which has been great!

We love these two guys so much!
When Monroe was sick with strep throat, she did a good job of staying away from them, but they didn't stay away from her. They kept going over to her and laying their heads on her or giving her kisses. It was really sweet. They play hard to get with her most of the time, but they definitely love her.
Their favorite toys are their books. They constantly have one in their hands. Unfortunately, they are also really rough on books. Books are getting destroyed left and right at our house. They also love playing basketball in the driveway, playing on our playground, and jumping on the trampoline. This fall the weather has been unusually warm, which has been great!

We love these two guys so much!