Sunday, June 30, 2019

Colorado Vacation

The Burkles spent Memorial Day weekend in the mountains.  We left Friday night and stopped in Sterling at a hotel.  
Sweet sleepers

We ate lunch in Fort Morgan with my parents and then Monroe rode through the mountains with them.  She was so excited when she saw the mountains, that my mom felt bad I was missing her reactions.

We stayed at a wonderful cabin in Grandby.  That afternoon, we went on a hike and then ate at a fun local restaurant.

The next morning the boys golfed and we explored the town of Grandby.

My mom, Zach, and Megan went white water rafting that afternoon.  

There were a lot of places to explore around our cabin.

We also had access to a swimming pool.  It was so weird to be swimming in 60 degree weather, but the water was almost hot.  As long as you were in the water you were good, hence the reason I have no pictures :)

jeep rides

nice views

Going hiking at Winter Park

We ate lunch at a playground in Winter Park and then did a little shopping.

We found another playground on the way out of town.


Licking up the chocolate

The five big kids loved exploring around our cabin.  They took walkie-talkies, so that they could communicate with each other and with the adults back at the cabin.  They all said this was their favorite part of the trip.  This is a "fossil" that they discovered and worked hard to dig up.

On the morning we left, it snowed.

We had a fun, relaxing trip in Colorado.

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