Saturday, July 24, 2021

Girl's Trip

 Because of Covid, the Nine (my GI friends) has not gotten together much over the last year and a half.  We did Zoom wine nights, but we all missed each other.  We decided we needed to get away for a few days this summer.    Hayley found a house in the country north of Omaha that looked perfect for what we wanted: a place to get away and relax together.

The backyard sold us on the property, and we definitely used it!

We drove to Omaha first for dinner and shopping.

About two miles away from our VRBO, I got pulled over.  Thankfully, it was just a warning.

The place had a game room with ping pong, air hockey, darts, and other games.

We divided into groups to plan and make meals and drinks.  It went really well.

They had a bunch of walking trails on the property.

These cows just stared at us.  It was like they had never seen people.

Enjoying the hot tub

The breakfast crew

We went to a nearby lake that morning.  
Looking like a nun to protect my scalp :)

Danielle made us all T-shirts, so that night we had to have a photo shoot.

Megan couldn't come on the trip with us, and she was definitely missed!

Our friendipede from oldest to youngest

Jackie and I were in charge of supper the second night.

The next morning on our way out, we went to a little shoppe that has earned the award of world's best cinnamon rolls.  They were pretty amazing!

We had the best time together! 
 I am so thankful for these girls and the relationship we can still have even though I moved away.

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