Thursday, September 8, 2022

August Fun

A new bracelet technique for Monroe

The boys' one and only day at the Hastings waterpark

A lemonade stand with neighbors

Happy birthday, Paige!

We were invited to a water party for incoming kindergartners at Watson.  It was a fun way to meet some new families and kids.

Zach got a hole in one!  
He was golfing in Grand Island with a GISH colleague.  He borrowed his friend's club on a par 3.  As the ball was in the air, his friend said, "You just got a hole in one!"  And he did!  

Happy birthday, Quinn!

open house

golfing with Ashley

We were golfing in a couples scramble with Sloans.  This couple was near us, and I had to take this picture.  

This is a picture description of how Amy and I golfed that night :)

Kool-aid Days parade

Our kids have been really into stacking rocks.

Graham has the record at 11 rocks.

They found a caterpillar at school

HHS volleyball

Meeting Baby Jackson

The boys are doing taekwondo.  

Graham getting his first stripes

Pierce getting his

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