Friday, September 2, 2022

July Fun

We came home from vacation to Japanese beetles everywhere.   

I went and bought traps at Earl May right away.  The traps are crazy!  The beetles were attracted immediately.  It was fascinating to watch. 

We filled four bags full in two days.  

Then, my mom warned me that the traps may not be the best idea.  I googled it and found this.  I didn't buy anymore traps after that.

Monroe invited some friends to the pool.  A few boys had left before we thought to take a picture.

Graham lost his first tooth on June 19

Pierce lost his on July 15

We went to the Thai restaurant in Grand Island.

A day at the pool with cousins

Pierce hit the jackpot!!

A night on Abby's pontoon with friends

Three in the bed

The kids' babysitter brought their puppy over

Waterslide at the Sloans

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