Monday, April 1, 2024

Spring Break

 Since moving to Hastings, we have not had a week-long spring break.  We have had days off spread across a few weeks in March.  This year we had a week off for the first time.  

Monroe had a Lincoln volleyball tournament the first weekend.  Every one of my family members came to watch her since it was our first time playing in Lincoln.  We stayed with my parents Sunday night.

We got Huxley the first day of spring break, so pretty much every picture I took was of him.
Monroe changed our letter board sign

Everyone wants to take Huxley for a walk

We went to the park multiple days.  Hux loves to lay in the sun.

One day we went to the new playground in GI.  It was really cool.

Hux had his first pup cup

We're told he's 2.5 years old, but he sure acts like an old man.  He loves a nap in the sunshine.

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