Monday, March 2, 2015

February Phone Dump

 I made some new art for our bedroom.

Baby Everett

When Zach replaced a toilet at our house, it left an unpainted patch on our wall.  Since the can of paint in the garage was empty, I decided to paint an accent wall.

Climbing on Nana

I got the Timehop app a couple weeks ago.  This adorable picture came up.

 We took Monroe bowling one night.  We had matching shoes.

 Valentine's Day

We drove to Lincoln one Sunday for Kaiya's birthday party.  Monroe was able to see her cousins on both sides in just a few hours.
These two are only 14 months apart.

Grand Island basketball game selfie

Pink day at preschool

Monroe figured out that our sauna has a 'stage' in it.  At least it's getting used for something. 

  Birthday party

 I dumped out Monroe's letters the other day during bath. She put them in alphabetical order by herself, which is something we have never done before.  I was impressed.  We couldn't find the B or U, so she asked if she could use her 8 as a B.

Newell friends

Lea Ann had a volleyball tournament at Senior High last weekend, so we went and watched.

The circus was also in town last week.

February felt busy and went by quickly

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