Saturday, January 9, 2016

Update on Babies

We had an appointment on January 4th with a perinatologist in Omaha.  Our ultrasound lasted two hours.  They measured every detail of Babies B and C.  They spent a lot of their time trying to determine if there is one or two placentas.  The twins split early enough that they are in two sacs, but the number of placentas has been a question.  This doctor is fairly certain that there are two placentas.  This is better for the babies because they can't rob each other of nutrients.  We will continue to meet with them every other week when they are in Grand Island.  Here are some pictures: 

This is a picture of the tops of all three heads.  In just over two weeks, B and C are more than twice the size of A.  I am so thankful that she was able to get this picture!

The best picture we could get of A.  

The tech was trying to get a 3D picture of Baby C and Baby B snuck into the picture.  She said this is the first time she's ever seen twins in the same 3D picture.

Here is an update of the belly: 
At 20 weeks, I am honestly dreading the next 12-17.   The boys don't even weigh a pound yet.  I know it can be done, but I don't comprehend how right now.

20 weeks with Monroe

When I came back to school after Christmas break, I told my students about losing Baby A.  Then I had them vote on whether the twins were two boys, a boy and a girl, or two girls.  As you can see, only a few got it right.

Baby A
I have an amazing OB nurse that has been very supportive through this whole pregnancy.  I actually have her daughter in my class this year.  She cheered with us when we found out we were pregnant and then when we found out they were triplets.  And, she cried with us when we lost Baby A.  The other day, she brought me multiple copies of a picture of Baby A on the day we lost him/her.  She also gave me a few picture frames to put them in.  We have one on the fridge and one in Monroe's room.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

December Phone Dump

13 weeks and 15 weeks

Opening her December 1st gift

Ellie snuck into the box again this year

A lot has changed in 6 years

Visiting Santa

Writing her full name for the first time


 Monroe chose an Elsa ornament this year

Feeding her family

 I didn't realize I cut off the side, but I love the last two sentences of Monroe's Santa letter.  "I can't wait until Jesus is born.  Can you, Santa?"

After Nana and Papa's musical

Sawyer stayed with us one night

Watching a Christmas light show with Grandma and Grandpa

 Braelyn's 4th birthday party

In the morning Ellie was on the toilet.  After school she was at the table, but the toilet was full.

 Our new mini van.  We are in love with it!

We're the national champions!

I love this picture

Part of our Christmas present for Mikki

 Dancing with Bunny

Our family

What Christmas break is good for

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Runcie Christmas

After leaving North Platte, we spent a few days in Grand Island recouping before we drove to Hastings for a few days.  On Thursday we went to Champions to play and swim.

The kids had a blast, even though they were too little for the slides.

Toasting in the new year

On Friday morning we opened presents.

Monroe got a Stuffy

Outfits for the boys

Guess Who for Josiah

A new doll

Her first bathrobe

A backpack for kindergarten

Watching the boys in between her turns

New towels from us

After naps, we went sledding.  At first we were on the hill at the neighbor's house.  

It was a great hill, but we had to catch them before they went into the street, and that wasn't easy.
When Zach went with her, we didn't catch them, and they broke the sled in the street.

Then, we drove over to Brickyard park.  The hills were too big for the kids to ride by themselves.  We tried it with Monroe, and she flew out at the end.  She was not happy at all.

After that, the dads rode with the kids.

It took a lot of convincing to get Monroe to go with Zach.

The sledding crew

We had a wonderful week of Christmas celebrations!