Friday, January 1, 2016

Burkle Christmas

Monroe couldn't wait to see Finley

Grandma and Grandpa arranged for Santa to visit and deliver the kids' stockings.  They were so surprised!

Monroe loved him!

Samara didn't want anything to do with Santa, and Finley was sleeping

The kids had fun talking to Santa and asking him questions. 

Then, we opened presents.
We had my parents open this present first.  We're having twin boys!

Kaiya was so excited when she saw the jewelry maker we got her.

Chiefs hats and football cards

Grandma got the girls cowboy slippers

Shirts for the twins

Her first sleeping bag

My dad was pretty excited about his sweatshirt


Playing around with our new selfie stick

Finley's first Christmas

We had a lot of fun getting jammy pictures this year.

This year's food competition was called 'Dub It Up'.  My mom is known for adjusting or inventing recipes based on what she has in the house.  The rules were that we each had to start with a recipe and then tweak it to make it more like a 'Deb' dish.  We made chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole.  It was  delicious and a lot different from the original, but we didn't put anything crazy in it.  Zach made a jalapeño cheese almond bread, that we were all impressed with.  Jess and Rod made individual pizzas  with only things they took from their fridge and freezer.  Josh and Megan won with chicken enchiladas.  They found random things in Mom and Dad's freezer and added them in.

Grandma and Grandpa with their grandchildren

Jess and Rod

Josh and Megan


Everyone left on Sunday because of the threat of a foot of snow coming to Lincoln.  We enjoyed an extra day with Grandma and Grandpa to ourselves.
Trying out her new scooter

Zach installed a new faucet in my parents' bathroom

Neck pillow success

1 comment:

  1. I love all the matching PJ's. I'd love to start that tradition!
