Saturday, January 2, 2016

Runcie Christmas

After leaving North Platte, we spent a few days in Grand Island recouping before we drove to Hastings for a few days.  On Thursday we went to Champions to play and swim.

The kids had a blast, even though they were too little for the slides.

Toasting in the new year

On Friday morning we opened presents.

Monroe got a Stuffy

Outfits for the boys

Guess Who for Josiah

A new doll

Her first bathrobe

A backpack for kindergarten

Watching the boys in between her turns

New towels from us

After naps, we went sledding.  At first we were on the hill at the neighbor's house.  

It was a great hill, but we had to catch them before they went into the street, and that wasn't easy.
When Zach went with her, we didn't catch them, and they broke the sled in the street.

Then, we drove over to Brickyard park.  The hills were too big for the kids to ride by themselves.  We tried it with Monroe, and she flew out at the end.  She was not happy at all.

After that, the dads rode with the kids.

It took a lot of convincing to get Monroe to go with Zach.

The sledding crew

We had a wonderful week of Christmas celebrations!

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