Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baby update

32 Weeks


35 Weeks

We had an appointment at 35 weeks with my OB.  He is amazed by how often the boys move.  He told us he has never had babies change positions so much.  Ours are in a new position every single appointment.  At this appointment, they were both breech with their heads together on my top left side.
Our next appointment was with the perinatologist five days later.  We hadn't seen them for five weeks, so we were excited to get pictures and see their weights.  (Our OB does not put a lot of stock in ultrasound measurements, but our perinatologist does.)  The boys had both flipped again and were both head down.  Baby C is presenting first at the moment, so he has pushed B out of the way.  My goal this whole pregnancy has been to get the babies to at least five pounds each.  When she came in with the measurement predictions, I was floored when she said the boys are 6 lbs 4 oz and 6 lbs 5 oz. I cannot believe they are that big!  She also explained that with them both being head down, I can expect a lot more aches and pains, which had definitely started the day before.
We did not get any good pictures.  One had his foot in front of his face and the other was face down.
We are not inducing until 38 weeks, which is around May 12.  I am done teaching this Friday, at 36 weeks.  If I don't go into labor on my own, then I'll spend the last two weeks relaxing at home.
We are so ready to meet them!

1 comment:

  1. Getting closer!!! When I look at your 32 week picture in comparison to your 33 week picture you can really tell the boys have dropped.
