Sunday, August 7, 2016

July Phone Dump

These twins were in Zach's first class.  They came by to meet our twins.

 Monroe did gymnastics for the first time this summer.  She loved it and wants to continue.  We'll see...

 Doing slip n' slide at Dedrick's birthday party

 Sleeping with Papa and Nana

Aunt Lea

My best friend from high school, Leslie, came to meet the boys on their way back to Tulsa.  We hadn't met their son Owen, so it was a fun morning.

 Playing at the Barnett's

Silly girls

Monroe loves sitting between the boys and being "Paci Patrol".  If you look in the mirrors you can see that each brother is holding her hand.

Monroe at 3 months.  I think the boys look a lot like her.

Perfect summer afternoon:  Reading while she plays

One afternoon, we were all outside.  It was really hot.  Out of nowhere, Zach went and sat in Monroe's pool with his clothes on.  She loved it!

Monroe went with the Eickhoffs to go swimming at Grace's grandma's house one evening.

We haven't been to hardly any play dates this summer.  We did, however, make it to the one at the Hastings Children's Museum.

We had to get a picture in our black tank tops.


 Danielle and I went and got pedicures

 Last summer, I froze treasures in an ice block for Monroe to uncover.  She asked me to do it again.  Her friend Braelyn came over to help her.  The girls squealed and ran around everytime they got something out.  They loved "my project."

Matching headbands

 The Elsburys added a baby boy to their family.  Beckett Raymond is 2 1/2 months younger than our boys.  It should be fun to watch the three boys together.

Shane, a good friend from college, got married this winter in China.  He and Stella had a reception at his mom's house in Hastings last weekend.


It was a little Hastings College reunion
Comron, Shane, Zach, Patrick, Tim
Jessica, Callie, Me, Emily

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