Monday, November 27, 2023

October Fun

We had the brightest rainbow I'd ever seen in early October.

Our neighbor took this picture over our tree

flowers picked by a student

Wizard of Oz day at school

One of my favorite suppers

both boys received reading awards at the first quarter ceremony

Band concert

Vocal concert
Monroe had a solo

Zach and Graham went to a Husker football game

We beat Wisconsin!  Finally!

Dress like your teacher day - Pierce and Mrs. Hunsley

Pierce and Zach went to a very cold Husker game

Another vocal concert

Sunday, November 26, 2023



Zach had football practice on Halloween, so we went to visit grandparents without him.

Zach got home in time to trick-or-treat

Oliver and Zach were twins

Runcie cousins were in Star Wars as well

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Halloween Party


Lochland had their annual Halloween party.  We always enjoy going and getting more use out of our costumes.  This year we had the nicest weather that we've had since we started going.  The hayrack ride was quite nice.