Thursday, November 2, 2023

High School Football Coach

 Zach switched from coaching football at the middle school to coaching at the high school this year.  Man, varsity sports are a lot!  He already does high school track, so I was not thrilled with the change.  On top of that, Monroe started middle school volleyball, so this fall has been crazy!

You can't quite tell, but this is a very excited celebration.  We were down 21-0 to Scottsbluff, and we came back to win in the closing seconds.  It was amazing!

The football team had a great season with a record of 7-4.  They made the playoffs, and easily won their first game against Seward.  They lost their second round game to Waverly.
Zach enjoyed coaching at the high school level.  I'm sure this is the start of many years to come.

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