Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ten year reunion

It has been 10 years since I graduated from high school.  This means two things:  I am old, and it's the year of our 10-year reunion.  I was a class officer in high school, but I really, really didn't want to plan the class reunion.  It took some effort, but my best friend from high school finally talked me into helping.  I'm glad she did.  The reunion ended up being a blast.  
Last Saturday we all gathered in North Platte for the big event.  We met at Centennial Park with families for lunch.  It was supposed to be 106 degrees, so we prepared for the heat.  Thankfully, it didn't get hot until a little later.  That night we went to Shooter's Bar where a lot more people joined us.  We definitely did not have all 365 classmates in attendance, but we did have a good turnout.  I was able to catch up with a lot of old friends and meet adorable little ones.  

My loves at the park.

Group picture at the picnic

Great friends: Chelsey, Leslie, and Amanda

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Josiah Lee

Monroe has her first cousin on the Runcie side.  
On June 21, Dustin and Julie welcomed 8 lb 14 oz Josiah Lee.  Julie, who is a labor and delivery nurse, achieved her goal of having Josiah with no pain medication.  We were happy to get to go meet him the day he was born.

Monroe gave Josiah lots of kisses.  

Monroe holding Josiah

Proud new parents

More kisses

Loving the new addition

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Play date with Landon

Monroe's friend, Landon, came over to play last week while his mom had a meeting.  The two kids hadn't seen each other in a few weeks, so I was anxious to watch them interact.  

They played well together until I brought in the Cozy Coupe.  Monroe was fine with pushing Landon for awhile, but Landon did not want to give Monroe a turn.  

Monroe could only share for so long before she got frustrated.  Landon was not about to get out of the car, so they were both screaming.

We decided it may be nap time.  I got out both of their pacifiers and blankets.  They both very willingly curled up with Zach.  So cute!

After nap, they had fun playing together.  Zach was the blanket monster.

  They especially loved playing with this elephant.

Thanks for coming over to play, Landon!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

I think they look so much alike in this picture.

We spent Father's Day in Hastings with Zach's family.  We had a barbecue and swim party at Jeff and Carmen's.  Zach was hoping his Father's Day would be punctuated with a Tiger Woods come-from-behind win, but that didn't happen.  Oh well!  It was a great day anyway.

True to habit, the only pictures I have are of Monroe.  One of these days I will learn to take pictures of everyone else at a get-together.

We used a floaty like this in Estes and loved it.  We knew we wanted to buy one.

 The best daddy in the world!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lincoln Zoo

Last Wednesday, Zach, Monroe, and I went to Lincoln to meet my sister and her boys at the zoo.  We had never been before, so we did not know what to expect.  The Lincoln Zoo is perfect for younger kids.  We got to see everything without being there all day.  Monroe loved it all!

Monroe, Karter, and Jensen checking out the animals

Monroe getting a closer look

Komodo Dragon

Jensen loved feeding the goats.  He fed them one piece at a time, and sometimes his whole hand was in their mouths.

Monroe didn't want to feed the goats, but she wanted to be close to them.

 Monroe thought the llamas were funny.

 Jensen and Monroe petting the bunny

Watching the penguins swim


Jensen with a butterfly on his finger

Monroe taking the butterfly.  I love how focused she is.

We had to hold her other hand because she wanted to grab them.

Picture on the caterpillar


Jensen holding a millipede.  He is our daredevil.

Jess was getting Monroe with a snake puppet.  Monroe loved it!

Petting a flying squirrel



 Little froggies
(I don't know how I didn't get a picture of Karter in the frog.)

 The last thing we did before leaving was take a ride on the train.

What a fun day!