Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Play date with Landon

Monroe's friend, Landon, came over to play last week while his mom had a meeting.  The two kids hadn't seen each other in a few weeks, so I was anxious to watch them interact.  

They played well together until I brought in the Cozy Coupe.  Monroe was fine with pushing Landon for awhile, but Landon did not want to give Monroe a turn.  

Monroe could only share for so long before she got frustrated.  Landon was not about to get out of the car, so they were both screaming.

We decided it may be nap time.  I got out both of their pacifiers and blankets.  They both very willingly curled up with Zach.  So cute!

After nap, they had fun playing together.  Zach was the blanket monster.

  They especially loved playing with this elephant.

Thanks for coming over to play, Landon!


  1. Ahhhhh, so cute! Thanks again for watching him.

  2. The picture of them fighting over the car is priceless! Also love the one when their curled up on Zach!
