Monday, June 11, 2012

Estes Park

Warning: Long blog post ahead

My family rented a cabin in Estes Park last week.  We were there from May 31st to June 5th.  Everyone was able to come except for my brother, Zach.  Before the trip, I was concerned about what we would do with five kids under five, but it actually was quite easy to entertain everyone and fit in a lot of activities.  We rode ponies, played mini golf, rode go karts, hiked to a waterfall, swam twice, went shopping, rode on the tramway, fished, visited the Continental Divide, fed ducks, enjoyed playing at the cabin, and saw many wild animals. We had a great time together.

When we first arrived, Kaiya and Monroe found a fun hiding place in Grandma and Grandpa's shower.

Karter         and         Jensen

Kaiya          and          Monroe

Monroe wasn't a fan of the ponies, but the older three loved them.  

Jensen has the best smile.

Karter wanted to be in our family picture.

Sweet Samara and Grandma

I love this picture of Monroe peeking into the hole!

She held onto her golf ball the whole time we were there.

The adults playing mini golf.

The kids "playing".

Jensen and Monroe

Monroe loved crossing the bridge at the golf course.

On your mark...

Grandma with Karter        Josh with Kaiya          Jess with Jensen


Monroe and Zach

The kids loved this huge slide.

The activities wore out the kids and the adults.

Grandma and her grandsons

We borrowed this hiking backpack from one of Jessica's friends.  It worked perfectly, and Monroe enjoyed riding in it.  She actually screamed when we took her out the first time.

The guys took Karter and climbed to the top of the waterfall.  

Beautiful views

Mountain lake

Our family at the Tundra Trail

Kaiya, Josh, and I climbed to the top of the Tundra trail.  It was exhausting at that altitude.  

Then, Josh and I each climbed the rocks at the top of the trail.  I know you can't tell from the picture, but I am standing where Josh is standing.

The Schulz boys at Beaver Pond

I love this picture of Jensen, Monroe, and Karter.

Continental Divide

We tried hiking while we were there, but there was a lot of snow, and we kept sinking in to our knees.  We had some good laughs.

Monroe and Jensen walking together.  I love this one.

Views of Estes Park from the top of the tramway.

At the top of the tramway, we fed chipmunks from our hands.  It was amazing how many peanuts they could stuff in their cheeks in order to come back for more.

When we got to Estes, we found out we couldn't use the outside fire pit because the land was too dry.  Because I was dying to have s'mores, I had to figure out a different way to make them.  I didn't know if it would work, but s'mores made in the oven are just as good.  

By far, Monroe's favorite activity was swimming.  We went twice, and she loved it both times.  I think she is going to be a little fish.

Kaiya loved the water too.

I had to include this picture because Monroe was so excited to shoot the basket.

We found this hat at Big Red of the Rockies.  So cute!

One of our favorite parts of the trip was seeing the deer and elk in our backyard.  These animals were a few feet from us.
Grandma and the kids named these two Elmer and Edmond.

Estes Park was beautiful, relaxing, and fun!  It was a wonderful vacation.


  1. I love your pictures! I keep telling Matt that we need to go there soon.

  2. I know, makes me want to go too! Looked like a great time.

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time! Beautiful scenery!
