Monday, June 18, 2012

Lincoln Zoo

Last Wednesday, Zach, Monroe, and I went to Lincoln to meet my sister and her boys at the zoo.  We had never been before, so we did not know what to expect.  The Lincoln Zoo is perfect for younger kids.  We got to see everything without being there all day.  Monroe loved it all!

Monroe, Karter, and Jensen checking out the animals

Monroe getting a closer look

Komodo Dragon

Jensen loved feeding the goats.  He fed them one piece at a time, and sometimes his whole hand was in their mouths.

Monroe didn't want to feed the goats, but she wanted to be close to them.

 Monroe thought the llamas were funny.

 Jensen and Monroe petting the bunny

Watching the penguins swim


Jensen with a butterfly on his finger

Monroe taking the butterfly.  I love how focused she is.

We had to hold her other hand because she wanted to grab them.

Picture on the caterpillar


Jensen holding a millipede.  He is our daredevil.

Jess was getting Monroe with a snake puppet.  Monroe loved it!

Petting a flying squirrel



 Little froggies
(I don't know how I didn't get a picture of Karter in the frog.)

 The last thing we did before leaving was take a ride on the train.

What a fun day!

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