Monday, October 8, 2012


When we were in Lincoln on Saturday, my phone got lost in my brother's couch and then smashed.  It was completely my fault.  They didn't even know it was at their house. My contract had been up for over a year, but I was avoiding making a new phone purchase.  I was not yet ready for smart phone ownership.  More specifically, I wasn't ready to pay $30 a month.  When my phone went kaput, I decided to bite the bullet and get a smart phone.  I went with the iPhone 4S.  I like the phone a lot more than I had expected to.  My favorite part so far is Siri.  I tell her what I want my text messages to say rather than typing them.  My least favorite part is the battery.  With my old phone, I could go five days without charging it.  My iPhone needs to be charged almost daily.  One concern I had about getting a smart phone was that I would be on it too much and ignore those around me.  In order to make sure that doesn't happen, I wrote a contract for myself.  Here is what I have so far:

I will not be on my phone when I am spending time with people face to face.
I will not be on my phone when I am with Monroe, unless it is necessary.
I will not check Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger, email, etc until after she is in bed.
I will not check Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger, email, etc while at work.
I will not have my phone out during meal times.
I will not be on my phone on a trip when I could be talking to Zach.
While driving, I will only use my phone to make calls.

This may seem a little drastic, but it is important to me.  I know a lot of people that are consumed by their phones, and I don't want to be like that.

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate electronics and websites being used intentionally rather than accidentally.
