Sunday, March 3, 2013

February Phone Dump

The first time Monroe tried on her big girl panties, she didn't want to take them off.  When it was time for bed, we compromised by putting her panties over her pajamas.

When Monroe was home sick with a stomach bug, she wanted to play in our bed.  The bed was covered with her toys.

Sick Day

Since Monroe got sick in the middle of the night at Grandma and Grandpas, she didn't get to open her present.  We FaceTimed with them while she opened her gift.  Monroe got a new teddy bear and her favorite--a sticker book.

Monroe and I were playing a game on my iPad.  She didn't like that these angels didn't have socks on.

Reading in the car

We used a broom to measure the snow on our snow day

Monroe wearing a onesie from my high school friend, Leslie

Driving the car cart for the first time.

Getting ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's

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