Saturday, August 20, 2016

Monroe Started Kindergarten

Our big girl started kindergarten!
She planned her whole outfit around her new shoes

Two years difference

Monroe is coming to my school!  I am so excited to have her there!

Kindergarten friends

More close friends with our kids

Walking in the hallway

First activity
Zach didn't have students the first day, so he was able to go to her class with her for a little while.

Mrs. McNelis
We love her already!

After school, I took Monroe to go get ice cream.  She picked Big Red Treats

On day 2 we got more friends together for a picture.
None of these kids live in the Newell area, but all of us moms have chosen to bring them to Newell.  I think that says a lot about our school.
We're just missing Danielle behind Landon

It has been fun seeing Monroe in the hallways and around the school.  She and I will have a lot more time together than we ever did when she was in daycare.  

Have a great kindergarten year, Monroe!  Daddy and I are proud of you already!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny we went to Big Red Treats after school the first day too!
