Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Phone Dump

My friends who blog all do a monthly photo dump.  It is a post where you 'dump' all of the pictures that you've taken on your phone that month.  I like the idea because it gives you something to do with those pictures that would otherwise just sit on your phone.  So, now that I have upgraded to the smart phone world, here is my first photo dump.

This is where Monroe sits and eats every morning while I'm getting ready.

Daddy and Monroe playing on the trampoline

Monroe with Grandma Burkle watching Karter play soccer

After we got home from a weekend trip, Monroe discovered how fun a suitcase can be.  She would buckle herself in and then yell for help.  We would unbuckle it, and then she would buckle it again.  It was her favorite toy for about a week.

Going on a walk wearing her new hat and mittens

Picnic in the park

Spaghetti everywhere

Monroe got in her toy box the other night and then started pulling her stuffed animals in on top of her.  I helped her get them all piled on, and then she jumped up and threw out the stuffed animals.  We did this over and over again.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin decorating

When I was reading some blogs on Saturday morning, I read this one about pumpkin decorating from Young House Love.  I loved their idea of decoupaging the pumpkins, and I thought it would be fun to do as a family.  

I liked the project for the same reason they did; I had everything I would need.  First, we cut circles out of pink and black tissue paper.  Then, we decoupaged them to the pumpkins.  Monroe helped me "paint" on the Mod Podge and press on the circles.  Zach manned the camera.

 We figured out fairly quickly that Monroe was too young for this project.  She just wanted to play with the Mod Podge. 

This picture was taken right before Monroe's hand went into her mouth.  Judging by her reaction, Mod Podge doesn't taste as good as she had hoped.

I ended up completing the project on my own, while Monroe and Zach had fun with her necklaces. Then, we let the pumpkins dry.


Look how they turned out!  Aren't they fun?

I'm really glad we did this last-minute project.

Monroe and her pumpkins

Monroe loves saying cheese for the camera, but she rarely says cheese while looking at the camera.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Playing in leaves

 While Zach and I raked leaves last weekend, I got a few pictures of Monroe playing in the piles.  She didn't really know what to do, but she figured it out and had fun.

Our silly girl

Monday, October 15, 2012

18 months

It seems unreal, but Monroe is already 18 months old.  We are so in love with our strong-willed girl.  She makes everyday an adventure!  

I had planned to do an update of the words that Monroe says, but I have decided that there are too many.  Zach and I were trying to count them about a month ago, and we came up with over 100.  It seems like she says something new everyday.
A couple of examples that surprised us are:  
When our sister, Megan, was babysitting Monroe a couple of weeks ago, she found a puddle of water in the backyard.  She touched it and said, "Cold, wet."  
Yesterday, Monroe held a hair bow up to her neck and said, "Necklace."
About a week ago, Zach laid down next to Monroe on the floor while she was playing.  She looked at him and asked, "Daddy tired?"
Mikki had the kids at Walmart the other day.  When they went through the check out line, Monroe pointed and said "Choc-o-late!"  I can count on one hand the number of times Monroe has had chocolate, and we've never bought any at the check out line. I don't know where she learned that word.

The last month has proven to be a stubborn one for Monroe.  At home, she has begun exercising her independence vocally.  If we tell her no or don't give her what she wants, she has started screaming and throwing fits.  They always end quickly, but it is so weird to see the crazy come out for a minute.
At daycare, Monroe and Landon have become more like siblings lately.  Monroe likes to take his cup, his toys, or whatever he has and run away.  Landon gets so frustrated.  Last week, he started laying on her when he caught her.  I don't know if this has continued or not, but I would love to see it.  I got an email from Mom365 yesterday that made me feel better.  It explained that at 18 months kids don't play together, they take instead of giving, and they often poke and prod other kids.  This made me feel a lot better about the phase she's in.

Monroe is an awesome eater.  She has always eaten well, but I was afraid she might get picky as she got older.  She willingly eats everything that we put in front of her except broccoli, peppers, potatoes (any form), and baked beans.  Her favorites (the food she asks for) are blueberries, cheese, yogurt, bananas, crackers, rice, and milk.

Monroe has also been very interested in the big girl potty this last week.  She wants to sit on it a couple times a day.  She usually sits down and then says, "All done!"  We're not in a hurry, so we will let her sit on it as long as she's interested.

If you had any doubt that Monroe could bring out attitude, here's the proof!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Family Weekend

Last weekend, we went to Lincoln to spend time with my siblings and parents.  We got together at my sister's house on Saturday.  We aren't ever together on Halloween, so we thought it would be fun to get the kids dressed up in their costumes and take pictures.

The lion and the lamb

Karter, Monroe, Jensen, Samara, Kaiya

The boys in their total boy costumes

The girls in their very girly costumes

On Sunday the kids went out and jumped on the trampoline.

Then, we went for a walk.  Monroe didn't have warm enough clothes, so she borrowed some from the boys.

Monroe insisted on pushing Samara the whole time.

We all had a great time together.

Monday, October 8, 2012


When we were in Lincoln on Saturday, my phone got lost in my brother's couch and then smashed.  It was completely my fault.  They didn't even know it was at their house. My contract had been up for over a year, but I was avoiding making a new phone purchase.  I was not yet ready for smart phone ownership.  More specifically, I wasn't ready to pay $30 a month.  When my phone went kaput, I decided to bite the bullet and get a smart phone.  I went with the iPhone 4S.  I like the phone a lot more than I had expected to.  My favorite part so far is Siri.  I tell her what I want my text messages to say rather than typing them.  My least favorite part is the battery.  With my old phone, I could go five days without charging it.  My iPhone needs to be charged almost daily.  One concern I had about getting a smart phone was that I would be on it too much and ignore those around me.  In order to make sure that doesn't happen, I wrote a contract for myself.  Here is what I have so far:

I will not be on my phone when I am spending time with people face to face.
I will not be on my phone when I am with Monroe, unless it is necessary.
I will not check Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger, email, etc until after she is in bed.
I will not check Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger, email, etc while at work.
I will not have my phone out during meal times.
I will not be on my phone on a trip when I could be talking to Zach.
While driving, I will only use my phone to make calls.

This may seem a little drastic, but it is important to me.  I know a lot of people that are consumed by their phones, and I don't want to be like that.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Picture perfect

As I shared a couple weeks ago, Zach and I have been updating our bedroom for the last six months.  We put the final touches on it last weekend, so I have to share.

You may have noticed the very blank wall between the window and the headboard.  Well, it's not blank anymore.

I found this frame at a garage sale this summer.  It was gold when I bought it, but I forgot to take a before picture.  When I found it, I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it.  My idea was to spray paint it and put a canvas photograph inside.
The problem with canvas prints is that they are expensive.  There are a lot of companies out there, but I wanted to make sure it was great quality.  When I told my sister that I was looking for a canvas company, she suggested that I join Groupon.  Within a week of joining, there was a Groupon for Canvas on Demand.  The Groupon was for two 16 x 20 (the exact size I was looking for) canvas prints for $59 with free shipping and handling.  The canvases are originally $112 a piece plus shipping and handling.
After buying the Groupon, we had to select the pictures we would use.  This was a lot more pressure than just choosing an 8 x 10 for a frame.  The family shot was fairly easy to select.  The picture of Monroe was much harder.  I had to get many opinions from friends at school.

These are the two we selected.  We don't know yet what we're doing with the picture of Monroe.

Once the pictures came in the mail, Zach and I spray painted the gold frame black and hung the frame and canvas on the wall.  I love it all; the frame, the wall showing between the frame and the canvas, and the picture of us.  

Here is a shot of the picture next to the headboard.  I think the two compliment each other well.

So now our bedroom is complete!  

Once, again.  Here is the before shot...  

and after!
I couldn't be happier!  I am most proud that my two favorite things (the headboard and the frame) were completely original ideas.  I didn't use Pinterest or borrow the ideas from anyone.  Thank you, Zachary, for helping make my crazy ideas a reality.
Our bedroom is now my favorite room in the house!